
Ensuring Safety for True Connection

Our homes and houses of worship are our most sacred spaces, where we seek comfort, connection, and peace. These are the places where we are most vulnerable and need the utmost protection. At Phillips Protection Consulting, we believe that ensuring the safety of these spaces is crucial for fostering a secure environment where we can truly connect and thrive. Let us help you safeguard what matters most, so you can feel safe and at peace.

Main Services


Free Security Assessments

To help you identify vulnerabilities in your homes and houses of worship. Our expert evaluations provide you with detailed insights and recommendations to ensure your sacred spaces are safe and secure.



Our comprehensive security reports provide detailed insights and actionable recommendations tailored to your specific needs. They cover everything from risk assessments and emergency preparedness plans to security system design and improvement strategies.



One-time security packages designed to meet your unique needs. From detailed security assessments and emergency preparedness plans to tailored security system recommendations, our packages provide comprehensive solutions without the need for ongoing services.


Ongoing Services

Ongoing support to maintain and enhance the security of your sacred spaces. With regular check-ins, updated assessments, and continuous improvement recommendations, we ensure that your sacred spaces remain secure and prepared for any situation.

Tailored Services


Houses of Worship!

Phillips Protection Consulting is offering FREE security assessments for ALL religious institutions through the upcoming election period. Ensure your place of worship is safe and secure for your community.